Dynofoam Letters

deSIGNery Signs has been designing, selling and installing Dynofoam<sup>®</sup> Building letters for more than 30 years.

Interior & Exterior Metal Laminated Letters

Images of our Dynofoam Letters
Images of our Interior & Exterior Metal Laminated Letters
Metal Laminated Dynofoam®
  1/2" 3/4" 1" 11/2" 2" 3"
4" 11.51 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
5" 13.89 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
6" 16.21 18.76 20.63 22.74 25.60 40.96
7" 20.39 23.33 25.66 28.27 31.75 50.80
8" 24.57 27.93 30.73 34.05 38.07 60.90
9" 29.43 33.31 36.65 40.65 45.47 72.74
10" 34.39 38.79 42.67 47.40 53.02 84.84
11" 40.15 45.19 49.72 55.42 62.54 100.07
12" 46.09 51.94 57.13 64.01 72.85 116.55
13" 52.72 59.28 65.21 73.26 83.23 133.16
14" 59.27 66.68 73.36 82.53 93.64 149.83
15" 66.64 74.98 82.47 92.96 105.40 168.41
16" 73.94 83.34 91.66 103.52 116.69 186.95
17" 82.18 92.58 101.83 115.16 130.37 208.58
18" 90.31 101.86 112.04 126.84 143.56 230.21
19" 99.27 111.97 123.17 139.73 159.14 254.93
20" 108.27 122.13 134.35 152.66 174.59 279.65

Painted Face Metal Laminated Dynofoam®
  1/2" 3/4" 1" 11/2" 2" 3"
4" 12.67 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
5" 15.28 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
6" 17.83 20.63 22.70 25.01 28.17 45.05
7" 22.43 25.66 28.23 31.10 34.93 55.88
8" 27.02 30.73 33.80 37.45 41.87 66.99
9" 32.38 36.65 40.31 44.71 50.01 80.02
10" 37.84 42.67 46.94 52.14 58.32 93.32
11" 44.17 49.72 54.69 60.97 68.80 110.08
12" 50.69 57.13 62.85 70.41 80.14 128.20
13" 57.98 65.21 71.73 80.59 91.56 146.48
14" 65.20 73.36 80.70 90.78 103.01 165.32
15" 73.29 82.47 90.72 102.26 115.94 185.40
16" 81.34 91.66 100.83 113.87 128.36 205.49
17" 90.40 101.83 112.01 126.67 143.41 230.21
18" 99.34 112.04 123.24 139.53 157.59 253.38
19" 109.20 123.17 135.48 153.70 174.59 279.65
20" 119.10 134.35 147.79 168.41 193.13 309.00

Questions on pricing or products, please call 866.660.7446 or email info@dimensionalLetters.com
  • Production time 9 working days plus shipping
  • Lower case letters are the same price as upper case
  • Punctuation Periods, commas and dashes are 1/3 letter price. Other punctuation marks are letter price.
  • Custom paint colors available for an additional charge

Metal Laminated Dynofoam®

There are so many different ways to display your company name and logo. A professional appearance starts with laminated dynofoam office or outdoor building lettering. When the customer walks in to see the company name and logo professionally displayed on the wall behind secretary or in the waiting room, they will know that they are about to start working with a professional company. Metal dynofoam® dimensional lettering is a unique and simple way to display your company with a touch of style and class.

Images of laminate options LAMINATE OPTIONS
Images of paint color optionsPAINT OPTIONS
Images for mounting options for Interior & Exterior Metal Laminated LettersMOUNTING OPTIONS
Sample drill template for letter mountingTEMPLATE OPTIONS
Warranty Link for Dynofoam Letters5 YEAR WARRANTY

Designery Sign Company BBB Business Review

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Bill was easy to work with, responsive, committed and the finished product (corporate window stickers) looks amazing! 10/10 would recommend them. Thank you!

lauren etchart     Google 5 star review


Dynofoam® Wall lettering

deSIGNery’s metal dynofoam dimensional letters are created from the highest quality dynofoam with a stunning Wilsonart® laminate on the front. This laminate can either be a polished or brushed finish in gold, silver, copper or bronze. The sides of the metal dynofoam can also be painted to any color of your choice for an eye popping appearance.

DeSIGNery’s dimensional lettering and graphics uses high quality materials and advanced production processes in order to help you give your graphics the style you demand. Dimensional letters can be made of many different materials; acrylic, wood, aluminum, PVC, or dynofoam. Our most popular type of dimensional lettering is the Wilsonart® Dynofoam® material. The reason for this is because it is light weight and very durable.

Metal dynofoam dimensional letters are recommended for indoor or outdoor use and are popular in libraries, banks, churches, schools, and business offices. The letters are constructed of a high density polystyrene foam core with a hard, smooth surface on the front and back. For years this material has been the preferred material to use by photo mounters, artists, designers, sign painters, exhibit builders and engineers. Dynofoam resists dents and punctures because of the exceptionally hard surface.

Dynofoam® Building Letters

Our company realizes that time is money. You don’t have time to mess with a tough install on your professional sign and you just want an easy way to get the job done right. With our metal dynofoam dimensional letters, installation is quick and easy. No drilling required and no hardware to worry about losing. All you need to install your dimensional letters is double sided tape and 100% pure silicone. Also provided to you is a paper layout so there is no measuring required. Our sales staff is always a phone call or email away in case you have any questions about the install.

Metal dynofoam dimensional letters are CNC cut and can be completely customized to what you need. Your logo can be created and made into something that you may never have thought to be possible. Text and size, color and style, it is all up to you! Our company makes it easy and with our experience, we make the ordering of your dimensional letters quick and easy. In order to get a specific order correct, a lot of communication is needed and we will not let you down. Images of our dimensional letters are on our website so you can see what they look like and if that isn’t enough, we can even send you a sample.

Winter Sale ends on 2/28/2025

layout styles

During our Winter Sales Event is a great time to buy Dynofoam Letters. We have marked down all of our Interior & Exterior Metal Laminated Letters for our Winter Blow Out Sale. All dimensional Dynofoam Letters pricing pages have been updated with our sale prices saving you 10% to 20% on sign letters. If you need help deciding between our many choices of custom dimensional letters on sale during our Winter sales event, just click here or give us a call.

Our dimensional letter A+ BBB Rating

A+ BBB Rating for deSIGNerySigns

BBB Rating: A+
At deSIGNery Sign Company we are proud of our professional commitment to or customers which is why we have maintained an A+ BBB Rating since we joined many years ago. Customers trust BBB and value their seal of approval. BBB Trust Seal signifies integrity, transparency and a level of unparalleled service. More importantly, it is backed by BBB Standards for Trust and a 100+ year old reputation of identifying an A+ rated business like deSIGNery.